Halstead - Broaks Wood (Essex) |
Nestled well inside Broaks Wood at Halstead is this superb grove of Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). It is impossible to do justice to this surprising and relatively rare find with just a few photographs - a visit is a must for anyone interested in these superb trees. Although far too immature to match the magnificent ancient groves of the USA, these fine youngsters certainly hold the promise of future splendour. They also serve to illustrate the most notable differences in growth between these and the Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum). The Coast redwood do not grow as broad as the Giant Redwood, and their trunks are straight in profile rather than tapering outward at the base. Note also the way in which the Coast Redwood sprouts from around the base and from the roots of the parent trees. They will also grow readily from cuttings provided a fresh light-green growth is chosen. Although it is a fair hike into the woods to find this grove, your walk will be amply rewarded by the magnificent views across the countryside on your trek. |
An alternative route to the Coast Redwoods can be taken by parking in the car park off Hedingham Road, as indicated on the above map. Markers 011, 012, 013 and 015 indicate the four corners of the Sequoia sempervirens plantation.